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🎭 Grouping


In general, the Group functionality in Fiber behaves similarly to ExpressJS. Groups are declared virtually and all routes declared within the group are flattened into a single list with a prefix, which is then checked by the framework in the order it was declared. This means that the behavior of Group in Fiber is identical to that of ExpressJS.


Like Routing, groups can also have paths that belong to a cluster.

func main() {
app := fiber.New()

api := app.Group("/api", middleware) // /api

v1 := api.Group("/v1", middleware) // /api/v1
v1.Get("/list", handler) // /api/v1/list
v1.Get("/user", handler) // /api/v1/user

v2 := api.Group("/v2", middleware) // /api/v2
v2.Get("/list", handler) // /api/v2/list
v2.Get("/user", handler) // /api/v2/user


A Group of paths can have an optional handler.

func main() {
app := fiber.New()

api := app.Group("/api") // /api

v1 := api.Group("/v1") // /api/v1
v1.Get("/list", handler) // /api/v1/list
v1.Get("/user", handler) // /api/v1/user

v2 := api.Group("/v2") // /api/v2
v2.Get("/list", handler) // /api/v2/list
v2.Get("/user", handler) // /api/v2/user


Running /api, /v1 or /v2 will result in 404 error, make sure you have the errors set.

Group Handlers

Group handlers can also be used as a routing path but they must have Next added to them so that the flow can continue.

func main() {
app := fiber.New()

handler := func(c fiber.Ctx) error {
return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusOK)
api := app.Group("/api") // /api

v1 := api.Group("/v1", func(c fiber.Ctx) error { // middleware for /api/v1
c.Set("Version", "v1")
return c.Next()
v1.Get("/list", handler) // /api/v1/list
v1.Get("/user", handler) // /api/v1/user
