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Version: v2.x


Proxy middleware for Fiber that allows you to proxy requests to multiple servers.


// Balancer create a load balancer among multiple upstrem servers.
func Balancer(config Config) fiber.Handler
// Forward performs the given http request and fills the given http response.
func Forward(addr string, clients ...*fasthttp.Client) fiber.Handler
// Do performs the given http request and fills the given http response.
func Do(c *fiber.Ctx, addr string, clients ...*fasthttp.Client) error
// DoRedirects performs the given http request and fills the given http response while following up to maxRedirectsCount redirects.
func DoRedirects(c *fiber.Ctx, addr string, maxRedirectsCount int, clients ...*fasthttp.Client) error
// DoDeadline performs the given request and waits for response until the given deadline.
func DoDeadline(c *fiber.Ctx, addr string, deadline time.Time, clients ...*fasthttp.Client) error
// DoTimeout performs the given request and waits for response during the given timeout duration.
func DoTimeout(c *fiber.Ctx, addr string, timeout time.Duration, clients ...*fasthttp.Client) error
// DomainForward the given http request based on the given domain and fills the given http response
func DomainForward(hostname string, addr string, clients ...*fasthttp.Client) fiber.Handler
// BalancerForward performs the given http request based round robin balancer and fills the given http response
func BalancerForward(servers []string, clients ...*fasthttp.Client) fiber.Handler


Import the middleware package that is part of the Fiber web framework

import (

After you initiate your Fiber app, you can use the following possibilities:

// if target https site uses a self-signed certificate, you should
// call WithTlsConfig before Do and Forward
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
// if you need to use global self-custom client, you should use proxy.WithClient.
NoDefaultUserAgentHeader: true,
DisablePathNormalizing: true,

// Forward to url
app.Get("/gif", proxy.Forward(""))

// If you want to forward with a specific domain. You have to use proxy.DomainForward.
app.Get("/payments", proxy.DomainForward("", "http://localhost:8000"))

// Forward to url with local custom client
app.Get("/gif", proxy.Forward("", &fasthttp.Client{
NoDefaultUserAgentHeader: true,
DisablePathNormalizing: true,

// Make request within handler
app.Get("/:id", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
url := ""+c.Params("id")+".gif"
if err := proxy.Do(c, url); err != nil {
return err
// Remove Server header from response
return nil

// Make proxy requests while following redirects
app.Get("/proxy", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
if err := proxy.DoRedirects(c, "", 3); err != nil {
return err
// Remove Server header from response
return nil

// Make proxy requests and wait up to 5 seconds before timing out
app.Get("/proxy", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
if err := proxy.DoTimeout(c, "http://localhost:3000", time.Second * 5); err != nil {
return err
// Remove Server header from response
return nil

// Make proxy requests, timeout a minute from now
app.Get("/proxy", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
if err := proxy.DoDeadline(c, "http://localhost", time.Now().Add(time.Minute)); err != nil {
return err
// Remove Server header from response
return nil

// Minimal round robin balancer
Servers: []string{

// Or extend your balancer for customization
Servers: []string{
ModifyRequest: func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
c.Request().Header.Add("X-Real-IP", c.IP())
return nil
ModifyResponse: func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
return nil

// Or this way if the balancer is using https and the destination server is only using http.


Nextfunc(*fiber.Ctx) boolNext defines a function to skip this middleware when returned true.nil
Servers[]stringServers defines a list of <scheme>://<host> HTTP servers, which are used in a round-robin manner. i.e.: ","(Required)
ModifyRequestfiber.HandlerModifyRequest allows you to alter the request.nil
ModifyResponsefiber.HandlerModifyResponse allows you to alter the response.nil
Timeouttime.DurationTimeout is the request timeout used when calling the proxy client.1 second
ReadBufferSizeintPer-connection buffer size for requests' reading. This also limits the maximum header size. Increase this buffer if your clients send multi-KB RequestURIs and/or multi-KB headers (for example, BIG cookies).(Not specified)
WriteBufferSizeintPer-connection buffer size for responses' writing.(Not specified)
TlsConfig*tls.Config (or *fasthttp.TLSConfig in v3)TLS config for the HTTP client.nil
Client*fasthttp.LBClientClient is a custom client when client config is complex.nil

Default Config

var ConfigDefault = Config{
Next: nil,
ModifyRequest: nil,
ModifyResponse: nil,
Timeout: fasthttp.DefaultLBClientTimeout,