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Version: v1.x

🧬 Middleware

Fiber ships with multiple middleware modules by default:

import (
  • ****Compress Compress middleware that supports deflate, gzip and brotli compression.
  • ****FileSystem FileSystem middleware for Fiber, special thanks and credits to Alireza Salary
  • Favicon Ignore favicon from logs or serve from memory if a file path is provided.
  • Logger HTTP request/response logger.
  • Pprof HTTP server runtime profiling
  • Recover Recover middleware recovers from panics anywhere in the stack chain and handles the control to the centralized ErrorHandler.
  • RequestID Request ID middleware generates a unique id for a request.
  • Timeout A wrapper function for handlers which will raise an error if the handler takes longer than a set amount of time to return

Fiber also maintains external middleware modules, these have to be installed separately:

import (
  • gofiber/adaptor Converter for net/http handlers to/from Fiber request handlers.
  • gofiber/basicauth Basic auth middleware provides an HTTP basic authentication. It calls the next handler for valid credentials and 401 Unauthorized for missing or invalid credentials.
  • gofiber/cors Enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) with various options.
  • gofiber/csrf Protect from CSRF exploits.
  • gofiber/helmet Helps secure your apps by setting various HTTP headers.
  • gofiber/jwt JWT returns a JSON Web Token (JWT) auth middleware.
  • gofiber/keyauth Key auth middleware provides a key-based authentication.
  • gofiber/limiter Rate-limiting middleware for Fiber. Use to limit repeated requests to public APIs and/or endpoints such as password reset.
  • gofiber/rewrite Rewrite middleware rewrites the URL path based on provided rules. It can be helpful for backward compatibility or just creating cleaner and more descriptive links.
  • gofiber/session This session middleware is built on top of fasthttp/session by @savsgio MIT. Special thanks to
  • gofiber/template This package contains 8 template engines
  • gofiber/websocket Based on Gorilla WebSocket for Fiber


Compress middleware for with support for deflate, gzip and brotlicompression.
It will use the fastest compression method depending on the request header Accept-Encodingvalue.

func Compress(options ...interface{}) fiber.Handler {}
type CompressConfig struct {
// Next defines a function to skip this middleware.
// Default: nil
Next func(*fiber.Ctx) bool

// Compression level for brotli, gzip and deflate
// CompressLevelDisabled = -1
// CompressLevelDefault = 0
// CompressLevelBestSpeed = 1
// CompressLevelBestCompression = 2
// Default: CompressLevelDefault
Level int
// Compression handler with default settings

// Provide a custom compression level

// Pass a next function to skip specific requests
app.Use(middleware.Compress(func(c *fiber.Ctx) bool {
return c.Path() == "/dontcompress"

// Provide a full Config
Next: func(c *fiber.Ctx) bool {
return c.Path() == "/dontcompress"
Level: CompressLevelDefault,

Skipping middleware execution

When adding middleware to your application, you can also specify when the middleware should be activated and when it should not through a function passed when initialising the middleware using a function passed in the configuration for the middleware.

func (*fiber.Ctx) bool

This function should return true if the middleware should be deactivated. For example, if you would like admin users to be exempt from rate-limiting, you could do something like this:

Timeout: 10,
Max: 3,
Filter: func (c *fiber.Ctx) bool {
var isUserAdmin bool
// Your logic here
return isUserAdmin

If you are using middleware that is included with Fiber by default (for example Compress or Logger), you should use the Next field instead of the Filter field. For example:

Format: "${time} ${method} ${path}",
TimeFormat: "15:04:05",
TimeZone: "Asia/Chongqing",
Next: func (c *fiber.Ctx) bool {
var isUserAdmin bool
// Your logic here
return isUserAdmin

