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Version: valkey_v0.x.x


A Neo4j storage driver using neo4j/neo4j-go-driver.

Note: Requires latest two release of Golang

Table of Contents


func New(config ...Config) Storage
func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
func (s *Storage) Reset() error
func (s *Storage) Close() error
func (s *Storage) Conn() neo4j.DriverWithContext


Neo4j is tested on the 2 last Go versions with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:

go mod init<user>/<repo>

And then install the neo4j implementation:

go get


Import the storage package.

import neo4jstore ""

You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:

// Initialize default config
store := neo4j.New()

// Initialize custom config
store := neo4j.New(neo4jstore.Config{
DB: driver,
Node: "fiber_storage",
Reset: false,
GCInterval: 10 * time.Second,


// Config defines the config for storage.
type Config struct {
// Connection pool
// DB neo4j.DriverWithContext object will override connection uri and other connection fields.
// Optional. Default is nil.
DB neo4j.DriverWithContext

// Target Server
// Optional. Default is "neo4j://localhost"
URI string

// Connection authentication
// Auth auth.TokenManager will override Username and Password fields
// Optional. Default is nil.
Auth auth.TokenManager

// Connection configurations
// Optional. Default is nil
Configurations []func(*config.Config)

// Server username
// Optional. Default is ""
Username string

// Server password
// Optional. Default is ""
Password string

// Node name
// Optional. Default is "fiber_storage"
Node string

// Reset clears any existing keys in existing Table
// Optional. Default is false
Reset bool

// Time before deleting expired keys
// Optional. Default is 10 * time.Second
GCInterval time.Duration

A note on Authentication

If auth is enabled on your server, then authentication must be provided in one of the three ways (the previous overrides the next):

  • Via the connection pool, neo4j.DriverWithContext, provided on the DB field.
  • Via the Auth field: it must be an auth.TokenManager whose value is any one but neo4j.NoAuth().
  • By setting both Username and Password fields: This will cause this storage driver to use Basic Auth.

Otherwise, your neo4j driver will panic with authorization error.

In contrast, if auth is disabled on your server, there's no need to provide any authentication parameter.

Default Config

Used only for optional fields

var ConfigDefault = Config{
URI: "neo4j://localhost",
Node: "fiber_storage",
Reset: false,
GCInterval: 10 * time.Second,