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Deploying fiber on Netlify

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Based on the fiber-lambda API written by Fenny. Since the code hasn't been merged yet, I borrowed it into adapter/adapter.go

The app uses static pages under public directory. These are compiled using sveltejs and the complete template can be found here.

# netlify.toml

command = "./"
functions = "functions"
publish = "public"

GO111MODULE = "on"

from = "/api/*"
to = "/.netlify/functions/gateway/:splat"
status = 200

Deploying net/http to Netlify explains what these functions are doing. You can read it here.


  • build command builds the whole code to binary cmd/gateway/gateway
  • we're building something called netlify functions (Please read)
  • everything under public folder will be published(entrypoint: index.html)
  • Netlify maps endpoints to /.netlify/functions/gateway, which is weird when you do requests, so we redirect it to /api/*
  • status = 200 for server side redirects


Netlify functions allows you to have up to 125,000 requests a month. This means you can have 2.89 requests per minute. Make sure you use Cache in you request handlers.