CSRF Examples
Example Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities in action.
Install Go Modules
Like any golang project, you will need to download and install the required modules for the project to run. Change into the "csrf" directory:
cd csrf
And then:
go mod vendor && go mod download && go mod tidy
This command installs the golang dependencies needed to run the project in a new directory named vendor
Once the modules have finished installing, you can run the project like this:
go run main.go
go run main.go withoutCsrf
You should see the following if everything is OK:
Server started and listening at localhost:3000
Try the demo
Start the server without csrf, to see the dangers of these attacks
go run main.go withoutCsrf
Open your browser to and navigate to localhost:3000.
Login using the test account:
- Username:
- Password:
In a new tab, navigate to localhost:3001 to view some examples of CSRF exploits. You will notice that the balance goes down everytime you load that page. This is because the page is successfully exploiting a CSRF vulnerability.
See the "fixed" version
To see the csrf version of this demo, just stop the server by pressing CTRL + C to kill the server process and then run
go run main.go
Navigate again to localhost:3000 and login to the test account.
And once more try the page with the CSRF exploits: localhost:3001.
You will notice now that the account balance is unchanged.
Going further
Here are some useful links where you can learn more about this topic: