🍳 Recipes for Fiber
Welcome to the official Fiber cookbook!
Here you can find the most delicious recipes to cook delicious meals using our web framework.
🌽 Table of contents
- 404 Handler - Custom 404 error page handling.
- Air Live Reloading - Live reloading for Go applications.
- Auth + Docker + Postgres + JWT - Authentication with Docker, Postgres, and JWT.
- Auth + JWT - Simple JWT authentication.
- Autocert - Automatic TLS certificate management.
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk - Deploying to AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
- AWS SAM - Serverless applications with AWS SAM.
- AWS SAM Container - Containerized serverless applications with AWS SAM.
- Bootstrap - Integrating Bootstrap.
- Clean Architecture - Implementing clean architecture in Go.
- Clean Code - Implementing clean code in Go.
- Cloud Run - Deploying to Google Cloud Run.
- Colly Gorm - Web scraping with Colly and GORM.
- CSRF - Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection.
- CSRF + Session - Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection with session management.
- Docker + MariaDB - Dockerized MariaDB with Clean Architecture.
- Docker + Nginx - Load balancing with Docker and Nginx.
- Dummy JSON Proxy - Proxying dummy JSON data.
- Email Verification - Email verification service with code generation and validation.
- Entgo ORM (MySQL) - Using Entgo ORM with MySQL
- Entgo Sveltekit - A full-stack Todo application built using Sveltekit, Tailwind CSS, Entgo, and SQLite.
- Envoy External Authorization - External authorization with Envoy.
- File Server - Serving static files.
- Firebase Authentication - Firebase authentication integration.
- Firebase Functions - Using Firebase Functions.
- Firebase GCloud - Integrating Firebase with Google Cloud.
- Google Cloud Firebase - Firebase services on Google Cloud.
- GeoIP - Geolocation with GeoIP.
- GeoIP + MaxMind - Geolocation with GeoIP and MaxMind databases.
- GORM - Using GORM with SQLite database.
- GORM MySQL - Using GORM with MySQL database.
- GORM + PostgreSQL - Using GORM with PostgreSQL database.
- Graceful shutdown - Graceful shutdown of applications.
- GraphQL - Setting up a GraphQL server.
- gRPC - Using Fiber as a client to a gRPC server.
- Hello World - A simple "Hello, World!" application.
- Heroku - Deploying to Heroku.
- Hexagonal Architecture - A Hexagonal Software Architecture in Golang and MongoDB.
- HTTPS with PKCS12 TLS - Setting up an HTTPS server with PKCS12 TLS certificates.
- HTTPS with TLS - Setting up an HTTPS server with self-signed TLS certificates.
- I18n - Internationalization support.
- JWT - Using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication.
- Kubernetes - Deploying applications to Kubernetes.
- Memgraph - Using Memgraph.
- MinIO - A simple application for uploading and downloading files from MinIO.
- MongoDB - Connecting to a MongoDB database.
- Multiple Ports - Running an application on multiple ports.
- MySQL - Connecting to a MySQL database.
- Neo4j - Connecting to a Neo4j database.
- OAuth2 - Implementing OAuth2 authentication.
- Google OAuth2 - Implementing Google OAuth2 authentication.
- Optional Parameter - Handling optional parameters.
- Parsley - Using Parsley for dependency injection in an application.
- PostgreSQL - Connecting to a PostgreSQL database.
- Prefork - Running an application in prefork mode.
- RabbitMQ - Using RabbitMQ.
- React - Using React.
- Recover Middleware - Recover middleware for error handling.
- RSS Feed - Generating an RSS feed.
- Server Timing - Adding Server Timing headers to an application.
- Sessions + SQLite3 - Using SQLite3 as a storage engine for user sessions.
- Socketio - A chatroom application using Socket.IO.
- Single Page Application (SPA) - Setting up a Single Page Application (SPA) using React for the frontend and Go for the backend.
- Sqlboiler - Using Sqlboiler ORM.
- Sqlc - Using Sqlc to generate Go code from SQL queries.
- Server-Sent Events - Implementing Server-Sent Events in an application.
- Stream Request Body - Streaming request bodies.
- Svelte Netlify - Deploying a Svelte application on Netlify.
- Sveltekit Embed - A full-stack application built using Sveltekit and Tailwind CSS.
- Swagger - Generate Swagger documentation for your application.
- Tableflip Example - Use tableflip for graceful upgrades in a Go application.
- Template - Setting up a Go application with template rendering.
- Template Asset Bundling - Setting up a Go application with template rendering and asset bundling.
- Todo App + Auth + GORM - A Todo application with authentication using GORM.
- Unit Testing - Writing unit tests for a Go Fiber application.
- File Upload - Handling file uploads in a Go application.
- URL Shortener - URL shortening service with a simple API.
- Validation - Input validation using go-playground/validator.
- Vercel - Deploy a Go application to Vercel.
- WebSocket - Real-time communication application using WebSockets.
- WebSocket Chat - Real-time chat application using WebSockets.
👩🍳 Have a delicious recipe?
If you have found an amazing recipe for Fiber — share it with others! We are ready to accept your PR and add your recipe to the cookbook (both on website and this repository).