Filesystem middleware for Fiber that enables you to serve files from a directory.
& :optionals?
within the prefix path are not supported!
To handle paths with spaces (or other url encoded values) make sure to set fiber.Config{ UnescapePath: true }
func New(config Config) fiber.Handler
Import the middleware package that is part of the Fiber web framework
import (
After you initiate your Fiber app, you can use the following possibilities:
// Provide a minimal config
Root: http.Dir("./assets"),
// Or extend your config for customization
Root: http.Dir("./assets"),
Browse: true,
Index: "index.html",
NotFoundFile: "404.html",
MaxAge: 3600,
If your environment (Go 1.16+) supports it, we recommend using Go Embed instead of the other solutions listed as this one is native to Go and the easiest to use.
Embed is the native method to embed files in a Golang excecutable. Introduced in Go 1.16.
package main
import (
// Embed a single file
//go:embed index.html
var f embed.FS
// Embed a directory
//go:embed static/*
var embedDirStatic embed.FS
func main() {
app := fiber.New()
app.Use("/", filesystem.New(filesystem.Config{
Root: http.FS(f),
// Access file "image.png" under `static/` directory via URL: `http://<server>/static/image.png`.
// Without `PathPrefix`, you have to access it via URL:
// `http://<server>/static/static/image.png`.
app.Use("/static", filesystem.New(filesystem.Config{
Root: http.FS(embedDirStatic),
PathPrefix: "static",
Browse: true,
package main
import (
func main() {
app := fiber.New()
app.Use("/assets", filesystem.New(filesystem.Config{
Root: pkger.Dir("/assets"),
package main
import (
func main() {
app := fiber.New()
app.Use("/assets", filesystem.New(filesystem.Config{
Root: packr.New("Assets Box", "/assets"),
package main
import (
func main() {
app := fiber.New()
app.Use("/assets", filesystem.New(filesystem.Config{
Root: rice.MustFindBox("assets").HTTPBox(),
package main
import (
"<Your go module>/myEmbeddedFiles"
func main() {
app := fiber.New()
app.Use("/assets", filesystem.New(filesystem.Config{
Root: myEmbeddedFiles.HTTP,
package main
import (
// Use blank to invoke init function and register data to statik
_ "<Your go module>/statik"
func main() {
statikFS, err := fs.New()
if err != nil {
app := fiber.New()
app.Use("/", filesystem.New(filesystem.Config{
Root: statikFS,
Property | Type | Description | Default |
Next | func(*fiber.Ctx) bool | Next defines a function to skip this middleware when returned true. | nil |
Root | http.FileSystem | Root is a FileSystem that provides access to a collection of files and directories. | nil |
PathPrefix | string | PathPrefix defines a prefix to be added to a filepath when reading a file from the FileSystem. | "" |
Browse | bool | Enable directory browsing. | false |
Index | string | Index file for serving a directory. | "index.html" |
MaxAge | int | The value for the Cache-Control HTTP-header that is set on the file response. MaxAge is defined in seconds. | 0 |
NotFoundFile | string | File to return if the path is not found. Useful for SPA's. | "" |
ContentTypeCharset | string | The value for the Content-Type HTTP-header that is set on the file response. | "" |
Default Config
var ConfigDefault = Config{
Next: nil,
Root: nil,
PathPrefix: "",
Browse: false,
Index: "/index.html",
MaxAge: 0,
ContentTypeCharset: "",
Serves a file from an HTTP file system at the specified path.
func SendFile(c *fiber.Ctx, filesystem http.FileSystem, path string) error
Import the middleware package that is part of the Fiber web framework
import (
// Define a route to serve a specific file
app.Get("/download", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
// Serve the file using SendFile function
err := filesystem.SendFile(c, http.Dir("your/filesystem/root"), "path/to/your/file.txt")
if err != nil {
// Handle the error, e.g., return a 404 Not Found response
return c.Status(fiber.StatusNotFound).SendString("File not found")
return nil
// Serve static files from the "build" directory using Fiber's built-in middleware.
app.Use("/", filesystem.New(filesystem.Config{
Root: http.FS(f), // Specify the root directory for static files.
PathPrefix: "build", // Define the path prefix where static files are served.
// For all other routes (wildcard "*"), serve the "index.html" file from the "build" directory.
app.Use("*", func(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error {
return filesystem.SendFile(ctx, http.FS(f), "build/index.html")