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Cache middleware for Fiber designed to intercept responses and cache them. This middleware will cache the Body, Content-Type and StatusCode using the c.Path() as unique identifier. Special thanks to @codemicro for creating this middleware for Fiber core!

Request Directives
Cache-Control: no-cache will return the up-to-date response but still caches it. You will always get a miss cache status.
Cache-Control: no-store will refrain from caching. You will always get the up-to-date response.


func New(config ...Config) fiber.Handler


Import the middleware package that is part of the Fiber web framework

import (

After you initiate your Fiber app, you can use the following possibilities:

// Initialize default config

// Or extend your config for customization
Next: func(c fiber.Ctx) bool {
return fiber.Query[bool](c, "noCache")
Expiration: 30 * time.Minute,
CacheControl: true,

Or you can custom key and expire time like this:

ExpirationGenerator: func(c fiber.Ctx, cfg *cache.Config) time.Duration {
newCacheTime, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.GetRespHeader("Cache-Time", "600"))
return time.Second * time.Duration(newCacheTime)
KeyGenerator: func(c fiber.Ctx) string {
return utils.CopyString(c.Path())

app.Get("/", func(c fiber.Ctx) error {
c.Response().Header.Add("Cache-Time", "6000")
return c.SendString("hi")


Nextfunc(fiber.Ctx) boolNext defines a function that is executed before creating the cache entry and can be used to execute the request without cache creation. If an entry already exists, it will be used. If you want to completely bypass the cache functionality in certain cases, you should use the skip middleware.nil
Expirationtime.DurationExpiration is the time that a cached response will live.1 * time.Minute
CacheHeaderstringCacheHeader is the header on the response header that indicates the cache status, with the possible return values "hit," "miss," or "unreachable."X-Cache
CacheControlboolCacheControl enables client-side caching if set to true.false
KeyGeneratorfunc(fiber.Ctx) stringKey allows you to generate custom keys.func(c fiber.Ctx) string { return utils.CopyString(c.Path()) }
ExpirationGeneratorfunc(fiber.Ctx, *cache.Config) time.DurationExpirationGenerator allows you to generate custom expiration keys based on the request.nil
Storagefiber.StorageStore is used to store the state of the middleware.In-memory store
Store (Deprecated)fiber.StorageDeprecated: Use Storage instead.In-memory store
Key (Deprecated)func(fiber.Ctx) stringDeprecated: Use KeyGenerator instead.nil
StoreResponseHeadersboolStoreResponseHeaders allows you to store additional headers generated by next middlewares & handler.false
MaxBytesuintMaxBytes is the maximum number of bytes of response bodies simultaneously stored in cache.0 (No limit)
Methods[]stringMethods specifies the HTTP methods to cache.[]string{fiber.MethodGet, fiber.MethodHead}

Default Config

var ConfigDefault = Config{
Next: nil,
Expiration: 1 * time.Minute,
CacheHeader: "X-Cache",
CacheControl: false,
KeyGenerator: func(c fiber.Ctx) string {
return utils.CopyString(c.Path())
ExpirationGenerator: nil,
StoreResponseHeaders: false,
Storage: nil,
MaxBytes: 0,
Methods: []string{fiber.MethodGet, fiber.MethodHead},